Unlock smooth hammer-on and pull-offs

Course: Lead Guitar Bootcamp with Sam Bell

In this video

Continuing on with left-hand based exercises. Sam demonstrates 3 notes per string sequences that focus on fretting hand fingers accuracy and picking synchronisation.

Lesson aims -

  • Use the fretting hand to perform hammer-ons and pull off's for a 3 note per string phrase

  • Synchronise the patterns per string with our picking and fretting

Exercise - 3 notes per string

Using 16th notes to play 3 notes per string phrases, concentrate on right/left hand coordination and building left hand strength. With lots of hammer-ons and pull offs it is easy to rush the through each phrase but practice slowly and allow the muscle memory to build up over time to gain speed and accuracy.

The points when the notes are picked are shown in the tab. These are important check points as each pick is an injection of energy and momentum for each phrase. Without picking and accentuating at the right moment it's easy to lose timing in our subdivisions.

Next Up: Enhance your lead work with amazing slides

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.