These are must know melodic arpeggios

Course: Lead Guitar Bootcamp with Sam Bell

In this video

Now that we are developing our alternate picking technique, Sam explains how to apply this to an arpeggio and how to smoothly transition across the strings.

Lesson aims -

  • Learn the arpeggio shapes demonstrated in the video and use them to transition through the chords smoothly

  • Think about how the notes are only part of the chords but are used to create melody by utilising guitar technique

Exercise - Playing through arpeggio shapes

With our hands in place for each arpeggio, we are focussing on maintaining our hand positions as we pick smoothly through the arpeggio, selecting the notes needed to complete the melody. This requires a small amount of hand movement, almost like lifting slightly between each note to allow the hand access to the notes. We deploy our index finger when possible to use as an anchor, such as in the B minor arpeggio, to roll the finger and to reach each note.

We are using 8th note patterns from string to string to create our melody and this should allow us to pick really smoothly if done slowly and then built up in speed.

Next Up: Add eye-catching picking to your soloing toolkit

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.