This is how you can use the whole guitar neck

Course: Lead Guitar Bootcamp with Sam Bell

In this video

Sam expands on the use of slides as a device for positioning shifting, which helps break out of scale shapes or 'boxes'.

Lessons aims -

  • Use slides accurately to move across the guitar neck over different scale shapes

  • Understand the devices used, like arpeggios, slides and hammer-ons that assist in position shifting

Exercise - Sliding across the neck

Within the first few moments of the phrase in this exercise, we utilise slides, hammer-ons and using fingers as a bar to roll to parallel notes. These techniques contribute to a flowing movement across the neck, as shown in the video.

Playing this exercise slowly at first is key to accuracy and the legato flow. Once the fingers know the way, that is when playing speed progresses. Additionally, as looked at in previous lessons, the 8th notes need to be even too to create the correct feel and timing in the runs.

When combining all these techniques together, this starts to make the techniques part of your regular playing style and making these tools part of a guitar playing tool kit.

Next Up: Bend it like a pro!

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.