A one hour masterclass for all things rhythm. We cover simple things such as 4th, 8th and 16th rhythms, then cover more advanced concepts such as time signatures, simple time vs compound time and even creating your own drum & guitar tracks in garageband!
Connect with Andy and other AAA members between live sessions with the Andy Guitar AAA Discord community - Find the link on the membership page!
Find more helpful links below!!
Strumming ebook featured in this video is here
Strumming online course that accompanies that ebook is here
Learn home recording with Garageband course is here
Join me here on the website for weekly live sessions where we can work directly on your playing & give the feedback needed for you to move forward and get inspired!
Every week we cover topics such as;
How to make the most of your practice time
Songs and exercises at your level and based on your music taste
How you can stay motivated and maximise your progress
You can also request a tutorial for a song YOU want to learn and Andy will teach it during the session live! Each live stream is automatically available as a replay so you can catch up anytime and never miss a beat!