Finally the Practice Routine for this level. There is plenty fabulous new things to dig into here and I'm sure you'll enjoy putting all this knowledge to great use!
Finger gym - 2 finger combinations, flick-offs too, easier option hammer-ons
E shape barre chords - fretboard and theory knowledge included. Key Tones on string 6 for example
C major pentatonic - very useful 3 note patterns that apply to any scale
Tab lesson - this is there as reference for future as well and really not to be learned completely right away
The Jam Tracks at this level work as perfect preparation for these kinds of songs to learn as this level
The Blowers Daughter - Pseudo barre chords
Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues/ Walk The Line - Root note picking
That’s Entertainment - 16th embellishments
Bonus: Hallelujah with fingerpicking/ picking - not needed to learn in it's entirety but worth a look because it's great!
Main suggestion at this level from me...
Now is the time for us to use our knowledge and to create least a little bit
Come up with your own chord progressions (base these on real songs - We learn from the best)
Your own jams - no idea is bad
Your own lead lines - major pentatonic, minor pentatonic or full major scale