Picking Root Notes Out of Chords

Course: Level Up Your Picking and Fretting

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In this video

I show the 2nd method we can use to massively improve picking technique on acoustic.

Exercise: Pick root note and strum (w/ pick or fingerpick)

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  1. G major chord

  2. G root then strum aka Dylan Strumming

  3. Pick Down Pick Down - (Down = all strings)

  4. Then, Pick string 6 - Down - Pick string 5 - Down

  5. Finally, Pick6 - Down - Pick5 - Hammer on - Down

Combination picking explained

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Whenever we pick then do a hammer on, we’re using combination picking. We’ll look at exercises to improve this further in the next module. But most people should be able to do this G chord hammer on, it’s picking the right string that’s the trouble.

Combination of picking and hammer ons is used for most guitar solos at an intermediate level, especially any that use speed or smooth aka legato playing.

We can do the same combination picking same on Cadd9 chord and same on D chord.

Next Up: Jam Track 1: G C D w/ Root Notes, Picking & G Maj Pent Lead

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.