New Guitarist? Start here!

Course: Absolute Beginner Guitar

In this video

I share some top tips to keep you motivated and playing for as long as possible. Plus, it doesn't stop there, as we have a whole community already actively keeping each other going with more shared tips they've learnt along the way!

Motivation is perishable, act on it right away!

  • Motivation speeches etc. give super short results even minutes later.

  • Remember whatever made you want to play guitar in the first place, songs, bands, stick those on just before you play.

A vision can be unstoppable

  • Anything you can visualise yourself doing as a result of learning guitar will be a bigger pull than any single push of motivation.

  • Wowing your friends at a BBQ, playing an open mic or gig, recording yourself.

Don’t over play the same thing to avoid finger pain

50% fun, 50% learning

  • 50% on learning new stuff.

  • 50% on song practice, consolidation, jamming along to music/ jam tracks/ real songs.

Play more than practice and don’t overthink it

  • Many students get stuck in the “but why?” camp, spending so long trying to theorise or understand what they should be doing, and not enough time just doing it.

  • In the past year I’ve interviewed so many bands, all of them said they started playing or gigging before they felt ready. The advice “just do it” cannot be overstated.

Feeling stuck?

Andy Guitar is more than just a courses website. It is a thriving online community of like-minded learner guitarists. Some folks have been here for years and are achieving new guitar goals all the time.

Get involved in the community aspects of this website.

All the best on your guitar journey!

Next Up: How to Make the Most of This Beginner Course

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