Play a full solo on one string

Course: Learn to Jam Lead Guitar

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In this video

This video covers how to play a quality guitar solo on one string. Taking inspiration from guitarists such as John Mayer and Derek Trucks, the D major pentatonic scale is used on the B string to play an improvised solo over a chord progression of D major, G major, B minor and A major.

D major scale fretboard digram

See the D major scale on string 2 below. The numbers indicate the intervals of the major scale for each note.

Above, the blue coloured notes are actually the major pentatonic scale. The orange notes can be added to make this the full 7 note major scale.

How to make the most of this course

See below interactive TAB synced to video for both the lead and rhythm lines for this jam. Use this to learn a few lick ideas to get you started improvising, or learn the full solos if you wish! Useful features of the interactive TAB player include;

  • Slow down and loop sections to break down longer, faster sections into manageable licks

  • Activate the 'fretboard visualisation', which shows which note is being played as well as shapes being used, all in real time

  • See the TAB brought to life as the player syncs to the video in real time!

Mike's improvised lead solo example - interactive TAB

Andy's rhythm loop - interactive TAB

Song example 1 - Waiting On The World To Change by John Mayer

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Song example 2 - Just Like Heaven by The Cure

The lead part of this song uses the A major scale largely on one string - a great variation to know for playing songs and lead improvisation!

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Next Up: Six note minor pentatonic pattern exercise

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