String Pairs & Tapping

Course: Learn To Shred with Sam Bell

In this video

In this lesson we're combining the string pair arpeggios with tapping to create a more violin-esque sound in our licks. This gives a great melodic sound and lets us play arpeggios without having to do any difficult fingering.

Key points

  • The main section of the exercise is in straight 16ths, while the end section uses triplets

  • Pay attention to the hammer-on from nowhere - this needs to be clean and with enough force to make the note ring out

How to make the most of this course

See below for the interactive TAB synced to video this exercise. Use this to help you master this lick and build up your speed. Useful features of the interactive TAB player include:

  • Slow down the lick to see how it's played

  • Loop a section to focus on that part before moving on to the next section

  • Activate the 'fretboard visualisation', which shows which note is being played as well as which shapes are being used, all in real time

  • See the TAB brought to life as the player syncs to the video in real time!

String Pairs & Tapping - Interactive TAB

Next Up: Sweep Picking 1

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.