Advanced String Bending With Intervals

Course: Advanced Intervals for Lead Guitar

In this video

In this lesson we're going to look at applying basic intervals to string bending. When we bend a note we need to decide what pitch to bend to, and we can use intervals to help make that choice.

Lesson aims

  1. Practice your 1, 2, and 3 fret bends and get used to how each one feels

  2. Focus on the accuracy of your bends - make sure you're actually hitting the right note

  3. Use your first and second fingers to support your third finger while bending

Bending notation

This is the notation used for bends. The distance between notes is measured in "tones". One semitone is a distance of one note (e.g. C to C#), and one tone is a distance of 2 notes (e.g. C to D). The numbers above the notation show how far a note should be bent, so in this diagram we have a 1 fret bend (half a tone or one semitone), a 2 fret bend (one tone or two semitones) and a 3 fret bend (one and a half tones or three semitones).

Example 2 - Advanced String Bending With Intervals

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