In this video
This neo-classical lick is a great example of combining short segments to make a longer lick with harmonic direction
Course Outline
Learn To Shred with Sam Bell
Learn To Shred with Sam Bell - Introduction
Pentatonic Sequence 1
Pentatonic Sequence 2
Pentatonic Sequence 3
Pentatonic Sequence 4
Vertical 3 Note Per String Runs 1
Vertical 3 Note Per String Runs 2
Vertical 3 Note Per String Runs 3
Vertical 3 Note Per String Runs 4
Position Shifts 1
Position Shifts 2
Neo-Classical Licks 1
Neo-Classical Licks 2
Shred Arpeggios with Sam Bell - Introduction
String Pair Arpeggios
String Pair Seventh Arpeggios
String Skipping Triads
Tapping Triads 1
Tapping Triads 2
String Pairs & Tapping
Sweep Picking 1
Sweep Picking 2
Sweep and Tap
Arpeggio Etude