Acoustic Looper - C Backing Track
In this video
Course Outline
Acoustic Looper Bootcamp
Course Trailer - Learn Acoustic Looper Pedal Jamming
How to use a looper pedal with acoustic guitar
5 quick tips when using a Looper Pedal
Acoustic Looper Jam 1 in C - Happy major vibes
Acoustic Looper Jam 2 in C# - No barre chords needed!
Acoustic Looper Jam 3 in D - Solo over chords out of key
Acoustic Looper Jam 4 in D# - Creative capo lines
Acoustic Looper Jam 5 in E - Every chord is major?
Acoustic Looper Jam 6 in F - Jack Johnson vibes
Acoustic Looper Jam 7 in F# - Blues Rock in The People's Key!
Acoustic Looper Jam 8 in G - Don't miss this essential jamming concept!
Acoustic Looper Jam 9 in G# - The ADVANTAGE of barre chords
Acoustic Looper Jam 10 in A - Natural minor VS Harmonic and Melodic minor scales
Acoustic Looper Jam 11 in Bb - Wait, why not A#?
Acoustic Looper Jam 12 in B - Watch me for the changes and try and keep up!