Here's a low down of all the points that I think will make an ideal Intermediate candidate that can go on to tackle all the Intermediate modules. That said, there is no 'ideal student', everyone learns differently with some topics of Guitar learning bedding in faster than others.
Setting your goals to be achievable is going to manage your own expectations of learning so we can fly through the levels and have fun!
If something is a major major stumbling block or the subjects are overwhelming in this video and onwards in this module of Intermediate Level 1, then please check out the Consolidation Level 9 of the Beginner Acoustic course and really any of the later modules of that course will help fill in those gaps in knowledge.
Firstly, what theory should we know?
To read basic TAB
To read Chord Diagrams
Understand what the I - iV - V of a Key is referring to (e.g. Key of C = C - F - G)
Triads and chord construction; an Open C chord is made up of C - E - G triad then C - E notes repeated
Further chords, 7ths, Maj7 chords, Minor chords
Perhaps looked at and tried the F barre chord shape
You might have heard of 2 or 3 finger power chords
Some scale knowledge; C major, G major, E minor pentatonic, A minor pentatonic, G major pentatonic
Finally, some experience of playing full songs, perhaps 1 or 2 with the original recording
If you've covered these topics or most of them are familiar from when you've given it a go, then please go ahead with this module.
However, if you're unsure I actually still encourage you to give this module a go to see how you get on. Don't stay stuck on 1 thing waiting for perfection, crack on a see what happens!
Lastly, join me on the Live streams for any questions you want answered directly from me as this is the perfect time to do so, as is getting involved with the Discord community and engaging with learners currently on the same Guitar journey. We can learn so much from each other's experiences.