Finger Gym - Fretting Hand Stretches & Technique Tuneup

Course: Level Up Your Picking and Fretting

In this video

We look at technical exercises, a format that will feature at every level of Intermediate, just to keep our hands and fingers 'tuned up' for the skills that will be required to advance our learning. Let's start the Finger Gym!

The idea behind these lessons now is to look at what techniques (stretches, for example) that we will need for the next level, so a level early to prepare well in advance of what's to come.

Exercise 1: Finger Stretch

To start:

  • Align all four fingers & hold down the string, from fret 5 through to 8 on string 6

  • Position fingers comfortably & in a good playing position just next to the actual metal on the fret

  • Took elbow into the side to help align fingers & pinky to reach fret 8 

Now try:

  • Place down fingers 1, 2, 3, 4 on to frets 5, 6, 7, 8 again, slowly & steadily

  • Other fingers stay put but 1st finger alone then stretches to fret 4 from fret 5 (one fret behind where it was before)

  • Move down a string each time completed!

If that stretch is already too much, simply move the shape down any amount of frets until it feels more do-able - for example, from frets 7, 8, 9 & 10 now

Exercise 2: 2 Finger Combinations

This exercise focusses around picking two notes per string, starting:

  • Index to middle finger on fret 5 and 6 down each string

  • Index to ring finger on fret 5 and 7 down each string

  • Finally, Index to little finger the gap being 3 frets apart so you can move this shape anywhere that feels comfortable!

Higher Level Combinations

  • Middle to little finger

  • Ring to little finger

  • Middle to ring finger

Next Up: Rhythm: 16th Strumming

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.