We're going to double down on fretting in the most optimal way and then checking out hammer-on and flick-off combinations. These techniques build huge strength in your hand that is used for Barre chords, any kind of open chord embellishment and of course Lead playing.

Always place the fingers right next to the frets closest to you, almost on top of the metal.
Not Too Much Pressure (Try without your thumb!)

Apply just the right amount of pressure to keep the note sounding out
Vertical, In-between, Angle

Generally for strings 4, 5, 6, the fingers are ‘vertical’ to the fretboard, just as normal
For the higher strings, the fingers angle slightly to allow for stretching & to prepare for string bends
First > ring finger
First > middle finger
First > little finger
Middle > little finger
Ring > little finger
Middle > ring finger
Flick-off Combinations
Remember to took your elbow in your side to give your finger that optimal position on the fretboard for any bigger stretches!