Easy 1 Finger Power Chords & Palm Muting

Course: Three Chord Songs & Strumming Patterns

In this video

We're checking out very easy but very cool Power Chords. This lesson is from the Andy Guitar Beginner Guitar Course.

We're checking out very easy but very cool Power Chords! We can convert the E, A and D major chords we've already learnt into Power Chords just by taking away an essential note.

To make a Power Chord or also known as 5 chords, we just need the Root note and the 5th interval and that's it! Crucially, this means we have taken away the 3rd interval that makes a chord major or minor.

E5 Power Chord

A5 Power Chord

For an E major chord, this would mean we only use 1 finger to get an E5 chord! Same for the A and D.

The added bonus of this video is the style of playing the Power Chords naturally lend themselves too, usually more Blues or Rock! We can focus on our strumming hand to start Muting or even better...Palm Muting!

Palm Muted Strumming

Next Up: Beginner Acoustic Jam Track 4 - E, A & D Chords with Palm Muting

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

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