C Major Scale Shape 1 & 3 Note Pattern

Course: Improvising Lead and Rhythm with Fingerstyle, Major Scale and Pentatonics

In this video

I'm going to show you the Major Scale which is referred to as Pattern or Shape 1.

Major scale shape 1 benefits

  • More dexterity require, prepping for harder / more technical playing to come

  • Explains how intervals relate to root 6 barre chords

  • Particularly good at showing how the major 3rd in a scale relates to the chord

  • Helps players understand when the major scale, and particularly the major 3rd, should and shouldn’t be used in solos, riffs, lead lines and improvisation

Memorisation Tips

  • Break this into 3 pairs of strings. Leave off the lowest note for now and then notice that the pattern on strings 6 & 5 is the same as strings 2 & 1, fingering 2-4/1-2-4

  • The middle pair of strings are both 1-3-4 fingering.

  • Notice the edges of the pattern are all the notes across with Fingers 1 and 4, except for the 'hole' on String 2 which Finger 1 fell off ;)

  • The 'middle' of the pattern uses fingers: 2/2 / 3/3 / 2/2

Finally the 3 note pattern!

This kind of pattern is a great way of playing more melodically in a scale rather than just start to finish or in reverse like when we learn a scale.

Learn this 3 note pattern and then other numbered patterns like a 6 note pattern. Come up with your own and get as creative as you like as this is how we can improvise in a very structured, melodic way!

Next Up: Jam Track 7: "Inside Out" In C Fingerstyle

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.