The G what-now? Lets take a second to look at what the words mean:
Pent = 5 (Five, like a pentagon has 5 sides)
Tonic = First note of a scale; in this case G is the first note
Scale = Sequence of notes ordered low to high and vice versa
So, the G major Pentatonic Scale is a set of 5 notes played up or down. It works best over any chord sequence in the key of G (which are any songs that use the chords G, Am, Bm, C, D and Em).
This is the same set of notes used to play 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd, which I do have a video tutorial for.
However, please refrain from learning the riff as it also involves strumming and playing the notes out of scale order. For best progress, I highly recommend learning the main order first as per below.
Guitar melodies are written in TAB (short for tablature). This is where every line represents a string on your guitar, and the numbers are the fret numbers.
Neck diagrams help visualise the scale on your fretboard. Each black dot shows where to place your fingers. The circled dots are the G notes, these show you where you should start and end the scale.