
Course: Fingerstyle Starter Course

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Greensleeves is an old English folk tune that is still very recognisable by most people today. This is a longer piece, so it may take more time to learn. Work through it one line at a time and you will nail it!

Song 5 - Greensleeves 

3:4 Time Signature

The 3 over 4 symbol at the start of the TAB tells us that there are three beats in a bar and that those beats are quarter notes. This song is therefore to a count of one, two, three, as opposed to counting to four beats per bar.

Get the songbook!

Get the TAB for every song in this course in a beautifully printed full colour songbook along with more help and guidance from Andy.

Ideal for those who like to have the TAB in a book open in front of them while watching the videos on full screen!

Available on and only.

Next Up: Ode To Joy

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