Play 10 Songs with E, A & D Chords - Introduction

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In this acoustic guitar lesson series we’re going to learn to play TEN songs with the three easiest chords to play on guitar; E major, A major and D major. This is the next step after learning a few songs from the "Ten songs with.." series.

Like this? Check out Andy's Beginner Acoustic Courses here

Beginner acoustic courses

A to D change (most frequent in songs at this level)

Same principal should be used as in Level 1 for the E & A change. Keep your first finger down and just lift off fingers 2 & 3 to change chord!

If the D chord isn’t ringing out when you change

Don’t keep your 1st finger totally still. Instead, slide it from the middle of the fret on the A to the ‘good’ side of the fret on the D! This is the most common cause of the D chord not sounding good during a song- make sure you slide the 1st finger over!

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Remember these top tips to keep your chords sounding great!

Press down strings with the tips of your fingers only

Use a pick! Picks give a clearer sound. Use a medium one (.73mm) to begin with!

Don't play any strings with an X

Don't touch the underside of your guitar with the palm your chord hand- this will mute the thinnest E string!

Detailed song tutorial videos

Check out any of the 10 songs you can play with just these three easy chords!

Lean On Me - Bill Withers (Full video lesson)

Have A Nice Day - Stereophonics

Walk On The Wild Side - Lou Reed 

Born In The USA - Bruce Springsteen

I've Got A Feelin' - The Beatles 

I Have A Dream - ABBA 

Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond 

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

I Can't Explain - The Who

Wild Thing - The Troggs

If you need more help or want to make paster progress as a beginner, you may wish to checkout the more detailed lessons at Level 2 of Andy's complete Beginners Course, where the chords, changes, strumming etc are broken down into separate videos. 

Enjoying this lesson?

Try this course - Three Chord Songs & Strumming Patterns

Learn essential chords, chord changing techniques and strumming 

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