Andy's Improver Guitar Course - Introduction

Course: Improver to Intermediate

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In this video

Welcome, Andy here, and thanks for checking out my Improver Course! 

This is the direct follow on from my Beginners Course and includes everything needed to ease the transition to an intermediate level.

This Improver Course is premium andonly available to Access All Areas members. There is also a paperback coursebook that accompanies this book available on amazon, but the ebook version of this is available for instant download with the AAA member version of this course.

What is an 'Improver'?

Most learner guitarists find the transition from Beginner to Intermediate songs and lessons very challenging. Beginner songs have fairy simple elements combined to make a song, but intermediate songs have much harder elements combined. This can be frustrating for the learner and can lead to a lack of progress for many people.

From my teaching experience, the two things that prevent students from being able to play intermediate songs are the harder chords (barre chords along with more advanced chord shapes) and actually playing along to a full complete song. I therefore devised this new 'Improver' level that would primarily focus on just these two areas; teach the chords, then get the student playing along with jam tracks.

Private students made much faster progress when we just focussed on these areas. Then when we move on to intermediate songs and lessons, the groundwork was already laid and they had much more success!

Where does this course fit with Andy's guitar syllabus?

This is the direct follow on from Andy's Beginners Course. After this, students should progress on to Andy's Intermediate Course. This gives a direct guitar syllabus to follow for both acoustic and electric guitar. 

Andy's other courses such as the Fingerstyle and Rock guitar lessons should be seen as bonus 'add on' courses that include more genre specific content than this Beginner, Improver, Intermediate syllabus provides. This syllabus is far more comprehensive and should be followed as closely as possible for best progress. 

What is included in this course

  • 14 video tutorials (3 hours approx) to download or stream to your hard drive, mobile or tablet 

  • 11 play along mp3 backing tracks plus separate videos of Andy playing each full track so you can see every detail

  • Full TAB/ chords for each jam track track 


"I have downloaded your Improver Course, and (as usual) this course is excellent. It is very easy to follow, and the instructions and tips work great for my learning style. I especially appreciate the play along tracks to practice with, they really help me!"

"Received the Improver Course today - great service; the book looks very professional. The backing tracks sound really good and although I am not ready to start it yet (I have some beginners' level 6 & 7 chords and songs to nail), I could not resist watching the first 2 lessons!"

"The F barre chord lesson is superb; I really liked the camera angles and explanation of wrist, arm, elbow and thumb position. I tried the F barre chord and played it clean first time!"

"A great job, well done, you should be proud!"

Next Up: F Barre Chord

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.