Hotel California INTRO - The Eagles (As the record)

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This is a high capo (7th fret). Some strings may not ring out with some cheaper capos. Check out my signature capo with the button below, it's a super affordable capo that will work on ANY electric or steel string acoustic guitar!

Andy Guitar capo

Here's how to play my arrangement of 'Hotel California' by the Eagles! See various arrangements and ideas of how to play this classic song on this page!

I've taught this to private students many times over the years, and all of them struggled massively with the 'as the record' version. I was therefore going to teach the live version (see the video of Don Felder demoing that further down this page). However, the live version was a bit too simplified and didn't sound like the record to me. So, I came up with this hybrid arrangement, which keeps the pattern as similar as possible throughout- making it MUCH EASIER to learn! Private students love it, so I chose to film this version, hope you like it!

Sadly, due to change in copyright, the TAB is no longer available for this song, not even to purchase. If this changes, I will update this page.

Also, the video may not play in certain countries, again due to copyright restrictions decided upon by the record company. There is nothing i can no about this at this time.

Here's a comparison video where I show you how I layered my normal guitar with another guitar in Nashville Tuning to create the 12 string effect!

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Hotel California - simplified tutorial (capo 2nd fret)

Here's my older tutorial showing an easier arrangement of this song with the capo at 2nd fret- using easier chords and strumming, this is ideal for Beginners!

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Want to learn the solo? That's here!

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Don Felder lesson - from the guy who wrote it!

Here's a video of Don Felder talking you through how he played this wonderful song on the record and also the live version!

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