FAITH Nomad Mini-Saturn Electro DEMO/ REVIEW - Ed Sheeran Style Travel Guitar

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So, amazingly- Fatih guitars very kindly got in touch and asked if I'd like to try out their range of guitars and if there was one that I'd liked they'd send me one to use in videos. As you can imagine- I was a kid in a candy shop! Faith guitars have won many 'Best UK acoustic guitar' awards over the past 5 years or so and I knew how stunning they were.

I'd also been thinking of buying a 'travel guitar' for some time. Obviously, Ed Sheeran has popularised this style. But the easier transportation of the smaller sized really appealed. It fit's in the boot of any car, it's lighter - and you don't bang it on door frames when it's over your shoulder in the gig bag! 

The name Nomad comes from 'Nomadic people', which is a name for people who travel around. But the easier transportation is just one benefit to the smaller size. The main benefit for beginners is that it is that it sits closer to the body when you play, and allows you to see your fingers easier (more like an electric guitar- which is easier for most beginners)

So when I saw that Faith did a travel guitar- it was my first choice and I was thrilled when they were happy to send me one. Faith have also been good enough to put me on their website among other players who have been endorsed. However, all the views in this video are my own, and i think that comes across in the video. I have not been paid to say one thing or another and have no exclusivity with any brands at all.

Check out the specifications and geeky stuff about this fine guitar on Faith's official website here

Truth be known, I had a soft spot for the other Nomad guitar that faith do, the mini Neptune, see that here. I decided against it when Faith suggested I might like a full sized guitar of theirs too, and I went for a full sized Neptune! A review of that is coming on Sunday!

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