VideoEverlong - Foo FightersAccept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsAccept Free TrialAdd to My ListBrowse Chord SheetsIn this videoAccept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsHere's how to play all parts to the song Everlong by Foo Fighters!Also, find Andy's tutorial for this song on acoustic guitar further down this page!Everlong - electric guitar tutorial (full song)Accept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsDave Grohl on how he WROTE Everlong!Accept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsEverlong - full song guitar coverAccept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsEverlong - Band performanceHere's a great live version of this song for you to work towards jamming along to after learning this song!Accept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsEnjoying this lesson?Have you tried a course yet? There are many courses on this website covering all levels and styles of guitar, ukulele basics and even great guest teacher courses. Browse the courses now and let them take your playing to the next level.Go to Courses