Day 8 - G Major Scale and 'The Joker' by Steve Miller Band

Course: 10 Day Free Acoustic Challenge

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In this video

Hi guys, welcome to Day 8 of this 10 day acoustic guitar series where we'll be checking out the G major scale and a riff to a classic song that uses this scale!

The song we'll be learning is 'The Joker' by the Steve Miller Band - a fantastic song to get your mates singing along to! We'll be learning the riff and the song in full, plus easier 'strum and sing' options.

G Major Scale


N.B. Tuning is D G C F A D if you want to play along to the original record.

Or - Once you’ve completed the lesson, watch Andy demonstrate the full song and play along using this video below!

Chords needed

Photos & diagrams from Andy’s Beginners Course Book, available here.

Day 8 - G Major Scale and 'The Joker' by Steve Miller Band

- Play along video!

Once you’ve completed the lesson from the video above, watch Andy demonstrate the full song and play along to this video with your guitar!

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What’s next?

If you’ve successfully played along with Andy in the full demo video above, you’re ready to move on to Day 9 of this 10 Day serieswhere we’ll be checking out how to play the standard C major chord, common changes and another new song!

If you've found you struggle, you may wish to checkout the previous days in this course OR check out Andy's online Beginners Course, which is far more comprehensive than this starter course and includes over 150+ free song tutorials!

Next Up: Day 9 - Full C chord and 'Hey Ya' by Outkast

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.