12 Bar Blues in E Chord Sequence

Play along with Andy!
Use the jam track videos found at the end of each level to play along with Andy with on screen chords and prompts so you never miss a beat!
Level 7 jam track videos
You need to learn a song that is a 12 bar blues in E. Try Before You Accuse Me first. Then you can do Sweet Home Chicago (chords only, leave the lead stuff for now), but Before You Accuse Me is a lot slower- so better to learn that one first! You should also consider Heartbreak Hotel if you like these songs and the style of guitar as it has a cool easy guitar solo in it!
Other Essential songs for Level 7
Sitting on the dock of the bay
This has more chords than most songs including the crucial G to B7 chord change. It is also very Jazz sounding, largely because there are so many chords in the song, all of which are major! You can choose to learn Stand by me by Oasis as an alternative
Hotel California
A student favourite, lots of chord changes and most people feel that what they play sounds very like the record. Hey Jude is also another option if you’re a fan of the Beatles and/ or a good sing a long!!
Click the button below to find Andy's song tutorials for this level of the course.
Level 7 songs