Play the E and A chords with just one finger!

Course: G Chord & Easy Blues

In this video

Here we learn to play an E chord and an A chord with just 1 finger, very useful for anyone with larger fingers!

These are also great for playing classic rock ‘AC/DC’ style chords. They are also used for playing riffs in any genre as the other fingers are free to play other notes!

N.B. On the E chord, make sure you’re muting the string with an ‘X’ with your first finger. On the A chord, we mute the X (string 6) with the thumb.

With the A chord: you definitely don’t want to put your finger over the 1st string too or you’ll be playing an A6 which sounds different. 

You can mute the thinnest E string by lifting your first finger slightly. This is an extension of the A5 power chord we covered at Level 2, but can be used as an alternative to the 3 finger A chord as it sounds the same!

Rock Style chord sequence 

Rock style chord sequence with 1 finger E and A chords

Next Up: The Easy Blues Riff

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