Rock Rhythm 12 - 12 Bar Blues in All 12 Keys

Course: Rock Rhythm Course

In this video

Here I show you how to play the blues riff from the previous lesson in all 12 keys anywhere on the neck! I thought it best to do this in a lesson separate to the riff so if you need to revisit it at any time you can get right to it. So useful, and enables you to play many 1000s of rock n roll based songs without a capo!

12 Bar blues riff - Key of C from Root 6

This TAB shows the 1, 4 and 5 chords when the 1 chord is on string 6 (aka root 6)

12 Bar blues riff - Key of F from Root 5

This TAB shows the 1, 4 and 5 chords when the 1 chord is on string 5 (aka root 5)

Next Up: Rock Rhythm 13 - How To Write A Rock Riff

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