Songbird - Oasis

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I talk you through how to play the classic Oasis song, 'Songbird'. It uses the G major, D major and E minor chords. Yep, there's just 3 chords in the whole song, and it only last 2 minutes so it's very easy! This is the ideal song to integrate your new minor chords with the chords you already know in a simple way.

Here's my older video from 2013 as I know some of you still like these!

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Songbird - music video

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'Top 10 Oasis Solos' video

Like Oasis? Check out Andy's top 10 Oasis solos in this video below!

Watch all my OASIS tutorials here

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Try this course - G major Chord & Common Chord Progressions

Learn more essential chords and strumming patterns. We look at Blues techniques and play to some Jam Tracks. 

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