CAGED system A shape

Course: Complete Guide To The CAGED System

In this video

In this lesson we take a look at the A shape in the CAGED system. This A shape barre chord should be super familiar to most of you, so we'll mainly look at changing key, plus adding some melodic tones from the C major scale to this common shape with sus chords.

We are again playing a C chord, but this time using the shape of the A chord at the 3rd fret. The notes are the same as before, but fretted in a different order.

Lesson aims

  1. Learn to play the C chord with the A shape
  2. Experiment with sus chords and adding other notes from the major scale
  3. Try using this shape (and variations) in other keys

C major chord in the A shape

Exercise 3 - Playing around the C chord in the A shape

Next Up: CAGED system G shape

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.