Essential Music Theory for Guitar // Chords in a Key

Course: Intermediate Free Taster Module

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This video is made in support of Andy's intermediate Guitar course. Click the button below for more info!

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The key of G is probably the most guitar friendly key. This means that all the common chords are relatively easy to play and the G major scale can be played in open position if desired, making it also relatively easy to play.

A musical key tells us which notes and chords go together well to form chord progressions and melodies. Therefore, a musical key is the core building block of songs.

Learning about musical keys will help you learn more songs, learn them quicker and allow you to remember songs easier. 

The technical name for the chords in a key is diatonic i.e. from the tonic. In this lesson, we'll be using the guitar friendly key of G as the example.

For the essential pre-curser to this lesson >> see this video on the key of C

G major scale 

 G – A – B – C – D – E - F# 

  1   2    3    4   5  6    7   

Chords in the key of G 

 G - Am - Bm - C - D - Em (G/F#) 

  I    ii   iii  IV  V   vi  (vii)

Example chord progression 

|G         |Am         |Bm         |C         | 

Song examples; 

Relative Minor Key – E minor (Same chords as key of G)

Song examples in E minor;

Like this? Want more?

This video is made in support of Andy's intermediate Guitar course, including a clear breakdown of how to jam in every musical key! Click the button below for more info!

intermediate course >>

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