VideoAvengers Theme Made EASY Guitar Tutorial/ Lesson - Avengers Infinity War/ EndgameAccept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsAccept Free TrialAdd to My ListBrowse Chord SheetsIn this videoHere's how to play the main theme from the Marvel Avengers movie on guitar, including from the Avengers Infinity War!We'll look at how to play this on one string in the easiest way possible, then add chords, then play chords and the melody together!Grab the TAB by clicking the Chord Sheets button below the video.If you like this, check out my Star Wars guitar tutorials hereAndy Guitar capo >>Accept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsEnjoying this lesson?Try this course - Fingerstyle Starter CourseA simple Fingerstyle course teaching 12 beginner friendly well known songs.Go To Course