Video8 Well Known LEAD Riffs to learn // Minor Pentatonic basedAccept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsAccept Free TrialAdd to My ListIn this videoHere's the SECOND video in a series of videos showing you how to play a bunchy of riffs that are derived from a common guitar scale.Over time, this series will help give context to the scale you either know, or help you decide which are worth learning right now.In this video, we check out 8 LEAD guitar riffs based on the minor pentatonic scale.Learn how to play the minor pentatonic scale in this free video here.Previous videoThis is the first video in this series, be sure to check it out if you haven't already!Accept cookies to watch this video.Enable CookiesSettingsEnjoying this lesson?Have you tried a course yet? There are many courses on this website covering all levels and styles of guitar, ukulele basics and even great guest teacher courses. Browse the courses now and let them take your playing to the next level.Go to Courses