main image from this course by Andy Guitar

Level Up Your Picking and Fretting

This first part of my Intermediate Acoustic Guitar Pathway takes everything you've learned so far and kicks it up a notch

About this course

Ready to step up your guitar game? This first module on my Intermediate Acoustic Guitar Course takes everything you’ve learned so far and kicks it up a notch. You’ll sharpen your single-string picking, strengthen your fretting hand, and tackle barre chord challenges, all while reinforcing these skills with a structured practice routine.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Precision Picking & Root Notes: Focused picking technique exercises to refine single-string picking and ensure you hit those important root notes.
  • Strumming & Hand Strength: Stretch exercises to get your fretting hand in shape and on the other hand, diving into essential 16th note strumming patterns.
  • Barre Chord Mastery: Tackle the dreaded F barre chord in real musical settings so it becomes a friend, not a foe.
  • Jamming & Application: Play along with tracks where you can try out some G Major Pentatonic licks and put everything into practice.
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