This first part of my Intermediate Acoustic Guitar Pathway takes everything you've learned so far and kicks it up a notch
Ready to step up your guitar game? This first module on my Intermediate Acoustic Guitar Course takes everything you’ve learned so far and kicks it up a notch. You’ll sharpen your single-string picking, strengthen your fretting hand, and tackle barre chord challenges, all while reinforcing these skills with a structured practice routine.
Intermediate Prep & Set Your Goals
Improve Your Single String Picking
Picking Root Notes Out of Chords
Jam Track 1: G C D w/ Root Notes, Picking & G Maj Pent Lead
Finger Gym - Fretting Hand Stretches & Technique Tuneup
Rhythm: 16th Strumming
Jam Track 2: C F Am G w/ F Barre Chord
Practice Routine and Songs for Int 1
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