E Minor Pentatonic Scale All 5 Positions w/ interactive TAB

Course: Member Bonus videos

In this video

In this lesson we look at the 5 shapes of the minor pentatonic scale. We'll use the E minor pentatonic as our example, but the same 5 shapes apply to every minor pentatonic scale (the major pentatonic uses the same shapes too, but in a different way and will be covered in a separate lesson)

Learning all 5 pentatonic shapes is an essential component of advanced guitar playing. The main lesson video shows an overview of all 5 shapes, plus gives some context.

E minor pentatonic scale - all 5 shapes

Each colour indicates a different shape. Notice the repetition of the same shape with the same notes but an octave higher on the neck!

Blue = position 1. Light blue = position 2. Green = position 3. Orange = position 4. Red = position 5

Find interactive tab synced to video for each shape further down this page, which should become part of your practice routine to memorise and learn the shapes!

Shape 1 - interactive TAB

Here's the interactive TAB for shape 1, which in this case is in the open position, but also repeats at fret 12 of course.

Shape 2 - interactive TAB

Work towards getting the notes right first, then try playing along (start slower if you need to). Finally - aim to play each scale or exercise 4 times without making a note mistake!

Shape 3 - interactive TAB

Shape 4 - interactive TAB

Shape 5 - interactive TAB

Next Up: COURSE PREVIEW - Advanced Fingerstyle with Jarvis

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

Course Outline

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